Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pregnancy update

We went for our level 2 sonogram yesterday and met with the perinatalogist. We were initially sent so they could get a better look at our baby's heart, which they did. The spot that was seen on Thursday is called an echogenic intracardiac focus. Basically, some calcification on the heart muscle. He said it is no big deal and will not affect her heart whatsoever. I think I was sent there to have this looked at because it can be a marker for Downs, however, he does not believe that to be the case. Anyway, the sonogram did show that my placenta is lying very low and is completely blocking the cervix. Yea! He seemed surprised that I had not experienced any bleeding yet and said he is almost certain I will before too long. He said one bleeding episode is "ok", however, if I have two then he will put me on hospital bed rest until delivery. Can you say, SCARY??? Can you imagine being on hospital bed rest with a three year old and 13 month old at home. Anyway, I go back in 6 weeks for another sono to see if the placenta has shifted any. He did not sound too positive about it moving so he went ahead and told us that if it stays where it is, then I will have to have an amnio at 36 weeks to check the maturity of her lungs. If they are mature enough, then I'll have a c-section in order to prevent me from going into labor. Sounds fun, doesn't it??? :) I honestly have such a peace about this whole situation as I know it is out of my hands. My greatest fear yesterday was that they were going to tell us our daughter would need emergency open-heart surgery after birth. So all is kinda rolling off my back. I am confident that I am receiving excellent care and will be monitored closely. The only sad part of this is that I have to stop nursing Olivia immediately. The risk of contracting and going into pre-term labor is too high. We were already in the process of weaning, but I wasn't prepared to stop cold turkey. :(

So, with all that being said, please continue to pray for our little girl and I suppose for me as well. I can handle all of this with the exception of the idea of bed rest. Pray it doesn't come to that.


Celeste said...

OMG cold turkey? Wow. I hope that goes well. The thing with your placenta. Is that called Placenta Previa? I had that with Dylan but that's not what caused his preterm labor becase mine shifted where it was suppose to thank goodness. We'll be praying.

MommaJen said...

take care of yourself. you are right to have a peace about it - God has delivered you this far and he'll continue to hold that sweet baby.