Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A difficult reminder

A friend from my MOPS group said goodbye to her 3 1/2 year old daughter today. A life was cut short for reasons that we will never understand. As horrible and tragic as this has been, it has been a reminder for me. We are not promised that our children will one day bury us. They can be taken from us so quickly, and then they are gone...forever. When I heard about the death of my friend's daughter late Friday evening, I could not stop my mind from going to that "what if it were my child" place? My daughter is practically the same age and I could not fathom the amount of pain that their family was now enduring. How do you move on from something like that? How do you breathe? Needless to say, I have been hugging my girls a lot more the past few days and trying really, really hard not be frustrated or impatient with them. Children are such precious gifts from the Lord, and for those of us that struggled to become Mommies and spent many nights crying because we thought it would never happen, sometimes we need little reminders to cherish them, even when they are throwing temper tantrums or not sleeping through the night.


Dave Gerhart said...

scary...I try not to think about it, but it's the ominous fear in the back of my mind. All I can do is hold them extra close and pray that we're never separated.

Kriss said...

Well said Jess, and I have been doing the same thing. It's prob better that I was not able to attend the memorial. I would have bawled like a baby because I cry everytime I just think about it. Have they said what exactly happened. Why was she outside in the dark?

Rebekah said...

Very sad, but such a great reminder to live life today. A teenager in our youth group was killed this fall in a car accident and it shook me up for weeks. Life is so fragile...The day I found out I called everyone I love most and told them how much they meant to me! Even now, I find I hold on a little tighter every time I hug someone.