Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm having one of those days....

It's one of those days where I am enjoying toys scattered across my living room floor and not so concerned with laundry, dishes, dirty bathrooms, etc. Part of this is out of necessity. My physical therapist worked me so hard yesterday that I can barely walk. Part of it is because of an email I received this morning. A friend was asking about adoption and what agency we used. As usual, I replied with a very long email about why we chose our agency and our experience. I am sure I supplied way more information than this person ever intended on receiving, but it was a reminder on where we have been and what we have been through to get where we are. Does that make sense? Too often I get caught up on the unimportant things -
"Is my house clean?"
"What laundry do I need to do today?"
"Are all the toys picked up and put in their assigned places?

Instead, I should be asking myself -
"Did I tickle Mia today until she screamed?"
"Did I play Barbies until I thought I would cry with boredom"
"Did I show Olivia how to build a tower only to knock it down?"
"Did I read the same book over and over and over again even though I had a filthy kitchen?"

You get the idea and probably know where I am coming from. My children are going to remember the fun stuff, not a spotlessly clean house or drawers filled with clean laundry. These years pass all to quickly and I need to remind myself daily of that. I can clean and do laundry later!!! Now, if you will excuse me. I have a daughter to tickle!


Bri said...

Yes! With everything! We (I mean ME!) spend so much time stressing and worrying about silly stuff and lose out on the stuff that really matters! Here is to a messy home and piles of dirty laundry!

Jessica said...

What a great perspective. I know that will be something I'll struggle with once my kids are here: the need for a perfectly in-order house and life.

But you're right. The moments pass so quickly. Even without kids, I've stopped to realize that. Like when you have a house full of friends over for dinner. I have to stop myself from getting up to do the dishes while they're still there. The dishes will definitely wait, but precious time laughing with friends won't!

Rebekah said...

I love that! My husband is ALWAYS reminding me that I need to take time to enjoy life and not to get so caught up in work! Thanks for the reminder! :)

Kriss said...

Hey Jess, I was cleaning out Brit's pj drawer. She has three pairs of pract. brand new Carter footie jammies. They are a 4T. Would you want them for Mia? If so, then I will package them up and give them to her on Saturday. I hate to give them to Goodwill since they are still so new if Mia could use them for next winter. -kriss