Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Not a lot goin' on

Nothing much going on. I have been busy, although when I think about it, I can't really tell you what with. I gave my friend a housewarming on Saturday and despite having to listen to the 60 something liberal go on and on and on and on about how HER generation fought for OUR (womens) freedom, it went great. Hmmmmmmmm, I don't recall my parent's generation fighting for anything other than greater access to LSD. Oh wait, of course. She is referring to the right for women to legally murder their unborn babies!!! I got it!!!! Now, the ole' Jessie would have jumped all over and not backed down until we were in a screaming match. However, Jessie has grown up and learned that despite your best arguments, you will not win these people over. So, I packed up my stuff and got the heck out of there before the ole' Jessie was awakened by this woman's utter stupidity. My friend, however, did not back down and lit into her after I left. Wish I could have been there! Of course, the other issue here is - who goes into someone's house and begins telling that person, "You should be grateful. You have no idea what MY generation did for you." Blah, blah, blah!!!

Sorry to bore you with my rant. I will say that I am SOOOOO happy that today is election day and am just praying it will not be drawn out like it was 8 years ago. I have heard a lot people say they are worried about the outcome. I'm not. I have prepared myself for the worst case scenario and in case you are new to my blog...that would be Obama winning. Anyway, I am prepared. Am I happy? No flippin' way! However, like everything else in my life...this is so out of my hands and in the hands of my creator.

On a sweet note. Mia has been asking a LOT lately about Jesus and if He is in her heart. Well, in the van last night, our conversation went like this:

"Mama, Daddy married you and you married him back and then y'all went to heaven."
"Yes, we are married but we aren't in heaven. Heaven is where you go when you die if you have Jesus in your heart."
"Do I have Jesus in MY heart???"
***Quick, silent prayer was offered here that I would say something right.***
"Yes, but when you get older you will have to ask Him to stay."

Now, don't judge my theology. I am working with a VERY perceptive three-year old here. I want her know the truth, but not worry her into making an ignorant decision at too young an age. On a side note, she thinks being married is heaven. Awwwwwwwww!!!!!

Alright, enough of my babble. Here are some recent pictures of my girls. Oh, how I love my girls!!!

Mia LOVES playing dress-up. She comes up with some interesting combos!!!

Livi's new favorite toy!!!


Kriss said...

I knew I liked you!! Go McCain!!! If one more polit. calls my house though....Postal Kriss!!