Friday, July 18, 2008

A very happy anniversary!

I can hardly believe that ten years ago today, we said "I do." There were many that told us we were too young, that we should just live together for a while. Several told us that we should enjoy the wedded bliss while it lasted because by the second or third year, we would be tired of each other. Well, I am happy to report that ten years later, we are more in love and happier than we have ever been. The past ten years have not come without challenges, however, we were serious when we said our vows, "...for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, as long as we both shall live." Here are some secrets that make our marriage work.

1) Never go to bed angry. Not with each other, or anyone for that matter. I have sign in my kitchen that says, "Never go to bed angry...stay and fight." We have done that plenty of times but before we go to sleep, we always make sure we have resolved whatever the issue is. There have been several times that we stayed up so late that we had to call into work the next morning!!! But, we went to sleep happy with one another.

2) Never, ever, ever use the "D" word. Not even as a joke. Divorce is not an option for us. It doesn't matter how rough things get for us, leaving is not an answer. Before we got married, our pastor wanted us to go to some premarital counseling and it was during this counseling that she told us that you don't even joke about leaving. To which I replied, "Oh, I would kill him before I would leave him." She thought I was joking, but Evan said, "No, she is quite serious." I think she was a leery of me after that session.

3) Talk, talk and talk some more. We talk about EVERYTHING. I mean, everything! Probably about some things that people don't even talk to themselves about. My point is, you have to communicate, even when it hurts. My parents, who have been married 37 years, don't do this too well. They are happy, but their communication skills are a bit lacking. It drives me crazy when my Mom says, "Oh, your Dad doesn't know about *whatever*, so don't tell him." Or, she will tell me that I should keep certain things from Evan. WRONG! I love talking to Evan, sharing my thoughts, dreams, funny things that happened during my day. There are many nights that we will lay in bed, in the dark...just talking until the wee hours of the morning. We used to do that when we were dating, except it was in his car in front of my house, although I still don't think our parents believed we were "just talking." OK, there probably was a little smooching thrown in there!!!

4) Keep God first in your marriage. We are not always the best at doing this, but we do try. Pray together, volunteer at church together, do a Bible study together, play in the church orchestra together (that's us!)...anything. We have leaned so much on our faith during our marriage and seen God work in so many different ways. From closing doors on jobs and out of state moves to opening doors to new jobs, new homes and eventually, new babies!

5) Finally, make time for one another. That's definitely harder these days due to the fact that our children run the house, however, I can tell when we aren't making that a priority. Things just don't feel right. That's usually when we call the Grandparents and go out, even if it's just for coffee. Or, we stay up until the wee hours of the night catching up on what's going on in our lives.

Speaking of children running the house, it has taken me ALL day to finish this post. I better scoot. My hubby is taking me out to dinner to celebrate this wonderful day. I am looking forward to almost uninterrupted, adult conversation. Mia is staying with Granny and Granddaddy, but Livi has to go with us. However, we can usually talk over her. Usually!


Kriss said...

Happy belated anniversary!!! I am so happy for you and Evan! I agree with everything you wrote and it's so true. Riley and I have had some wham bam arguements but never have gone to bed mad. Our marriage is WORTH fighting for. Glad to see someone else believes the same. Off the subject but if you get a chance measure Livi's foot for me. From the top of her big toe to her heel. She is such a tiny thing!Thank you bunches! -kriss

Kristen said...

So you have a blog too! Yay!

Amy said...

Great accomplishment! Happy ten years!

Becky said...

This is wonderful advice! And Happy Anniversary!