Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Why? Why?? Why???

That is a common question in our house these days. Mia has entered into that lovely part of childhood that no matter what you say, she asks, "Why??" It is driving me up the wall. Evan deals with it better than I do. When she asks "Why?", he explains whatever she is asking to the point that she is the one annoyed. Like, "why is it too late for chocolate?" He breaks into a discertation about the effects chocolate have someone's ability to sleep and the decay it can cause to teeth while sleeping. I use the 'ole, "because I said so" excuse which gets me another "Why?" She knows it is annoying too because when I really start to get aggravated she will erupt into, "Why why why why why why why why why..." and then starts giggling. There have been many cute phases in her nearly three years, and I am sure there are more to come, however, I hope this one passes REALLY, REALLY quickly. Don't you dare ask why!!!!